What makes you a shewolf?
Being a womxn (the x is intentional) is complicated.
“Be Confident.” “Don’t be bossy.” “Speak up!” “Wait your turn.” “Love your body.” “Lose weight.” “Stay home with your kids.” “When are you getting married?” “Demand the raise.” “Don’t be presumptuous.” “Be a good girl.” “Create your own path.” “Be ladylike.” “Break the ceiling.” “Don’t cry.” “Smile.” “Don’t be a bitch.” “Work hard.” “You’re doing too much.” “What do you think?” “No one asked for your opinion.”
SheWolf has always been founded on women coming together, empowering one another. The methods in which we have done so have changed over the years. As we have grown and experienced new life milestones, we have had our eyes opened to new experiences. We have pivoted, reorganized our priorities, had miscarriages, experienced loss, started families, closed businesses, tried and failed, succeeded, learned lessons, had hard conversations, cried, celebrated, lived. Each woman’s journey looks different. And sometimes in that journey, you realize someone else has been through something similar, and you feel less alone.
Being a SheWolf means bravery, vulnerability, the courage to heal.
We live in a world of recognition, personal gain, followers, likes, and often a lack of authenticity and reality. When in fact, being a woman, identifying as a woman, growing as a woman, can be a painful yet beautiful experience for all. We give of ourselves regularly, sometimes finding that we have stripped away the meat and are left with bones, with broken souls. We fight our egos and our inner voices. We are silent when we want to be loud, we hold shame and embarrassment, yet present strength and empowerment. We love others better than we love ourselves. We have stories to tell, and we feel less alone when we read or hear stories that relate to our own.
We live in a digital world, where we can connect with others in many different ways. We can curate and select our content, our news, our friends and followers. We present our “best selves.” We measure our worth by the number of likes and comments. We have access to every opinion, theory, do and don’t, should and shouldn’t. What we don’t have, is a safe place to HOWL. There is power in our voice, power in our story, yet we often stifle it or keep it close.
If we abandoned our need to be liked, be perfect, be less controversial, what would we howl out? How would we feel more alive? Would we scream out in pain? Would we cry tears of joy? Would we finally tell that person to f*ck off? Would we stop trying to conceal our real emotion if we felt safe to embrace it? If we didn’t feel like we had to be “good” or “nice,” would we embrace our rage, our anger, our disappointment? What if we could tell those stories, we could share our real thoughts, our real fears, our real lives? What if we could release our secrets, our pain, our resentment? What if we could celebrate our growth, admit our wrongs?
What makes one person’s story more important than the other? One person’s truth or experience more “deserving” of follows, likes, shares? All of us have stifled voices. All of us want to howl as loud as we can at the moon, it’s in the pit of our stomachs, but we cry alone in our bathrooms instead. There are no masks here, because everyone starts the same. THIS is the great equalizer. If you have 1 million followers, or 2 - your story is posted with all SheWolf contributors, and it is just as important. There is no ranking here because everyone’s voice matters the same. This is not about self-promotion, many stories are anonymous. This is about living and telling your TRUTH.
We are working on a platform for ALL women to tell their stories, to howl their truths. It doesn’t matter how many followers you have, or how successful your business is, or even if you have one. If you identify as a she/her - we want to hear from you.